Broker vs Bank

Having spent 7 years working for a major banking institution, I understand how they conduct their business.  What I find very frustrating with their mentality is that all clients, new and old, have to negotiate for a better rate on their mortgages and investments.

Those of us who do not enjoy the art of negotiating, end up paying more money in mortgage interest than what is necessary.  In reality, this could amount to thousands of dollars in money that should have been in your pocket.

I would like to breakdown for you some of the key differences between dealing with a Mortgage Broker (Me) and your bank (Personal Banker).


  • Have access to 20+ lender’s product lines and flexible set of policies.
  • Work regular business hours PLUS evenings and weekends.
  • Always offer my best mortgage rates up front.
  • I work for YOU and my services are free.
  • You need to ask me a question? You have my Cell number. Call or text anytime.
  • I am licensed and must adhere to a strict set of guidelines.
  • Many years of experience specializing in mortgages


  • Restricted to fitting into one lenders set of products and policies.
  • Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
  • Offers bank posted rates. You need to negotiate a discounted rate.
  • Personal banker works for the best interest of their employer (Bank).
  • Try getting hold of your banker… Especially evenings and weekends.
  • Personal Bankers are generalists NOT specialists.


Ryan Mollberg
Mortgage Broker
Mortgage Broker License # 315789
517 4th Ave N
Saskatoon, SK S7K 2M5

m: 306.261.0033
f: 1.800.925.9550